Monday, August 23, 2010

I shouldn't be in front of the PC right now, its just that I can't help but share these quotes from the first few pages of the book Stress Free Life (from my bf) I've been reading this morning:

  • How much do we lose out on the little joys of life when we cannot walk, talk, think or listen slowly?

  • A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains. He that can have patience can have what he wills. - Benjamin Franklin

  • Anger controlled can move the world.

  • You must connect yourself to God -- the source of the highest, purest and best energy in the Universe. Then you will not have to be pushed from outside. No one will have to wind you, or give you a boost. You will draw all the energy and wisdom of the Universe through your connection with God, and nothing can stop you!

Looking forward to read more as I take a rest (sick) and hopefully be back to work.

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